Friday, February 14, 2014

Getting Ideas

I am going to attempt to document the end of the year project my AP Statistics complete. Overall, it is a semester process and could seem quite daunting at the outset. However, this project ends up being very easy for the teacher (not so much for the students, but hopefully that may be the point.)

We started off yesterday by brainstorming community service organizations that could use the service of an AP Statistics class. The most difficult concept to convey was how a Statistics class could do a service project that did not involve manual labor. We discussed how we have covered minimizing bias in a survey and how we had analyzed sets of data. We talked about how we had done hypothesis testing, and how we could help determine if data was statistically significant. Once we got that down, the ideas started to flow. Students came up with churches we could talk to, schools within our district, and local organizations like the Lion's Club.

Once we had a list of places and people we could talk to, each student volunteered to take a place or person to ask if there was statistics work we could do. If no student volunteered to take a place to ask, we erased it from the board as it was not deemed important enough for someone to spend time talking to. I gave the students a little over a week and told them to have contacted their person by Feb 24. The whole process took no more than 15 mins today.

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